Resolving Recurrent UTI

You’re seeing recurrent UTI all the time in your patients: prolapse patients, painful sex patients, pelvic pain patients, urgency/OAB patients…and patients seeing you because they’re plain old plagued with UTIs! You’ve told them all the basics. They already wipe front to back, drink plenty of water and void after sex (double-void in fact!). The question you find yourself asking is “What more can I do for my poor patients plagued with UTIs?” The answer is: tons!

Get set to have your understanding of UTI recurrence blown wide open. Strategies go way past traditional perineal hygiene advice! In this course you’ll find out about

  • Specific probiotic strategies you can immediately employ
  • Uncover the role that biofilm plays in UTI and what influences its formation and breakdown
  • What the latest evidence is on cranberry – and a little-known close relative
  • Why urine pH matters in reducing UTI risk – and how you can specifically advise your patient on how to influence it
  • What nutrient deficiencies to suggest investigation for– and even a nutrient that may need to be restricted in the recurrent UTI patient
  • How to determine whether some of the natural medicines your patient is using are UTI-useless or have UTI-utility

The content of this course builds upon its prerequisite, pHantastic pHlora. You’ll be applying the principles further – in particular, discovering what to do when the vaginal pH doesn’t change, and what this might have to do with biofilm and infection persistence and recurrence.


“You must do this course. So helpful and your patients will be so thankful for your assistance.”



“The course has provided new and up to date knowledge not easily found elsewhere, that is both practical and easy to apply to physiotherapy practice. It has given me confidence to sort out what is useful and what are myths regarding vaginal and bladder health. ”



“This is a content heavy course, but great to understand more about UTIs since so many of our patients get them.”



“I now have more tools in the toolbelt. It's so useful to learn evidence based treatment options which can be used the following day in clinic. I have already seen improvements in my patients and they are so thankful (as am I).”



“I now ask more about UTI history, antibiotic use, M/C/S results and know what to do with that information. I have purchased dipsticks and will now use them/track patient results! ”



“The course has changed what questions I now ask regarding UTI especially to see if I can get test results - I feel more confident to interpret them now also able to give informed advice to patients.”



Course curriculum

  • 01
    Welcome to the course!
    Show details
    • Welcome from Alyssa!
    • How to use this course
    • Before we begin...
    • Join the Facebook group!
    • Further Reading: Review of UTI and Vaginal Microbiota (optional)
  • 02
    Part One
    Show details
    • VIDEO: First Things First: The essential Low-Down on UTI
    • SLIDES: First Things First: The essential Low-Down on UTI
    • VIDEO: Background Checks on Bugs
    • SLIDES: Background Checks on Bugs
    • VIDEO: Lurking in the Shadows
    • SLIDES: Lurking in the Shadows
    • VIDEO: A Sprinkling of rUTI Case Histories
    • SLIDES: A Sprinkling of rUTI Case Histories
  • 03
    Part Two
    Show details
    • VIDEO: Dipping Your Toes In
    • SLIDES: Dipping Your Toes In
    • VIDEO: Culture Shock
    • SLIDES: Culture Shock
    • VIDEO: Bladder Defense
    • SLIDES: Bladder Defense
    • VIDEO: A Sprinkling of UTI Test Findings
    • SLIDES: A Sprinkling of rUTI Test Findings
  • 04
    Part Three
    Show details
    • VIDEO: Terror Teams (replay)
    • SLIDES: Terror Teams
    • VIDEO: Antibiotic Anarchy
    • SLIDES: Antibiotic Anarchy
    • VIDEO: Other InpHluences on UTI
    • VIDEO: Food and Nutrients Part 1
    • SLIDES: Other InpHluences on UTI
    • SLIDES: Food and Nutrients Part 1
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Food and Nutrients Part 2
    • VIDEO: Food and Nutrients Part 2
    • SLIDES: Food and Nutrients Part 2
    • VIDEO: Supporting your rUTI Patients Case Studies
    • SLIDES: Supporting your rUTI Patients Case Studies
    • RESOURCE: Table Specific Uropathogens Antibiotic
    • RESOURCE: Alkalisation of Urine
    • RESOURCE: PRAL content of foods
  • 05
    Part Four
    Show details
    • VIDEO: Hormonal Heavy Lifting
    • SLIDES: Hormonal Heavy Lifting
    • VIDEO: Probiotic Primacy
    • SLIDES: Probiotic Primacy
    • VIDEO: Catch Some Catechins
    • SLIDES: Catch Some Catechins
    • VIDEO: Cranberry Clarity
    • SLIDES: Cranberry Clarity
    • VIDEO: Clinical Reasoning with rUTI Patients
    • SLIDES: Clinical Reasoning with rUTI Patients
    • RESOURCE: Post-Intercourse rUTI routine
    • RESOURCE: rUTI solution hierarchy
  • 06
    Show details
    • Quiz