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Bugged by bowels?

It’s time to GET THE GUT BUGS – that is, really “get” them! Demystifying the microbiome is the key to solving your patients’ health problems – bowels being just a start. Gut Critters will move you forward in truly grasping the gut! 

Accumulating evidence points to the gut microbiome as a part of a huge number of health conditions, and indeed, a driver of many. Naturopaths have been banging on about this for decades with “the gut is the root of all disease”. Naturopathic lunacy no more – the gut microbiome is now firmly entrenched in orthodox medicine as a key player in health and disease (and about time). Don’t get left behind - health professionals are perfectly placed to help patients be the stewards of their own gut microbiome! 

Gut Critters, a follow-on from its prerequisite Insight Into Insides – Leaving Anorectal Behind, will give you the tools to be a Gut Gardener – or even further, a Custodian of the Critters! You’ll learn to recognise patients who are experiencing microbiome mayhem – and attack the factors that create it. You’ll learn about: 

  • What conditions in your patients flag a messed-up microbiome 
  • The role of gut bacteria in motility and transit time – and how you can manipulate it 
  • The antics of antibiotics 
  • When medications become microbicidal maniacs 
  • What the laxatives and bowel agents you recommend do to the gut microbiome 
  • Promising probiotics and praiseworthy prebiotics 
  • How the gut microbiome functions as an integrated ecosystem 
  • How gut bacteria resemble weeds, grass, and flowering plants 
  • The 4 landscapes your patient’s gut can resemble 
  • How to use the five key tools in your toolkit to start the clean-up 

(Note well, in order to make sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew, the focus of this course is on the adult and not the paediatric gut microbiome.) 

If you’ve done Insight Into Insides, you’ve started your Entrailblazers journey. Don’t doubt yourself becoming a gut expert: just jump into this course and CFU can!* 

*That was one for the true microbiology nerds out there 

At a glance

Clinical Resources to Keep

In this course you will have access to a number of invaluable clinical resources to download and own forever. Our clinical resources are informative one page guides.

  • Meet Alyssa

    With Alyssa’s clinical background in private practice and years of research and training in functional nutrition, she’s here to help! More and more manual therapists are hungry for evidence based information about nutrients, microbiomes, environmental chemicals and health. They want to incorporate functional medicine or “root cause” principles into their practice for improved client outcome. Alyssa’s qualifications include: Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Postgraduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (Continence and Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation), Graduate Diploma in Health Science (Nutrition Medicine), Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy, Advanced Diploma in Western Herbal Medicine, Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, Master of Science (Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine)

    Alyssa Tait

Course curriculum

  • 01
    Show details
    • Welcome to Gut Critters!
  • 02
    Show details
    • 1) VIDEO: The Accessible Microbiome
    • 1) SLIDES: The Accessible Microbiome
    • 2) VIDEO: An Integrated Ecosystem
    • 2) SLIDES: An Integrated Ecosystem
    • 3) VIDEO: Welcome to the Gut Garden
    • 3) SLIDES: Welcome to the Gut Garden
    • QUIZ WEEK 1: Test your learning
  • 03
    Show details
    • 4) VIDEO: Bugs and Bowels - Part A Landscapes
    • 4) SLIDES: Bugs and Bowels- Part A Motility and Transit
    • 5) VIDEO: Weeds, Grass and Flowering Plants
    • 5) SLIDES: Weeds, Grass, and Flowering Plants
    • 6) VIDEO: Bugs and Bowels - Part B Constipation and Diarrhoea
    • 6) SLIDES: Bugs and Bowels - Part 2 Constipation and Diarrhoea
  • 04
    Show details
    • 7) REPLAY: Tending the Gut Garden- Probiotics
    • 7) SLIDES: Tending the Gut Garden - Probiotics
    • 8) VIDEO: Tending the Gut Garden - Prebiotics
    • 8) SLIDES: Tending the Gut Garden Prebiotics
    • RESOURCE: Probiotics for Chronic Constipation
    • RESOURCE: Probiotics for Chronic Diarrhoea
    • RESOURCE: Choosing Prebiotics for Your Patients
  • 05
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    • 9) VIDEO: Medication Menace
    • 9) SLIDES: Medication Menace
    • 10) VIDEO: Antibiotic Antics
    • 10) SLIDES: Antibiotic Antics
    • RESOURCE: Classification of Narrow Spectrum and Broad Spectrum Antibiotics
    • RESOURCE: Antibiotics: Specific Effects on the Gut Microbiome
  • 06
    Show details
    • VIDEO: The Food Forest Part 1 - Diets
    • SLIDES: The Food Forest Part 1 - Diets
    • VIDEO: The Food Forest Part 2 - Food Components
    • SLIDES: The Food Forest Part 2 - Food Components
    • VIDEO: Signposts of the Gut Microbiome
    • SLIDES: Signposts of the Gut Microbiome

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